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What is the Difference Between a Cash Recycler and a Cash Dispenser?

Cash recyclers have bi-directional withdrawal and deposit transaction functionality while cash dispensers are one direction only. Cash dispensers require the manual loading, counting, and authentication of notes while cash recyclers automate these processes. Both cash recyclers and cash dispensers dispense cash.

Cash dispensers, also called Teller Cash Dispensers or TCDs, may be more suited for environments that have cash-negative operations in which more cash goes out than is coming in on a daily basis. Scenarios can range from banks and municipal offices to casinos and cash rooms.

When there is a 50/50 split or greater of cash coming in than being dispensed, such as a retail situation, cash recyclers are able to automate the counting and sorting of the larger portion of cash coming in. Cash recyclers do the same tasks as the TCDs but have the added benefit of automating the counting and sorting of cash and coins while also reducing time-consuming security protocols.

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Since cash needs vary from business to business we recommend speaking with one of our cash recycler experts to determine the needs and technology requirements for your specific use case. Below is a list of variables to determine which type of cash recyclers can benefit your company the most.

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